January 14, 2011 - All Things Considered’s Tom Crann speaks with U.S. Representative Tim Walz about “Congress on Your Corner” events taking place, even after the horrific event in Tucson where U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot. Walz shares his belief on the importance of events and tone of dialog amongst legislators.
January 5, 2011 - All Things Considered’s Tom Crann checks in with U.S. Representative Tim Walz as the new session of legislators are set to be sworn in, with Republicans taking control of Congress. It is a different experience for Walz, when Democrats took control of Congress four years ago. Walz comments that all are there to serve, no matter the party affiliation.
November 1, 2010 - MPR’s Mark Steil reports on the three candidates vying to represent Minnesota's 1st Congressional District. DFL incumbent Tim Walz, Republican Randy Demmer, and Independence Party candidate Steven Wilson are all campaigning into the final stretch of race.
October 12, 2010 - MPR’s Elizabeth Baier reports on debate in Mankato between candidates battling in Minnesota's 1st District. DFL Congressman Tim Walz has two challengers in the 2010 election season, Republican Randy Demmer and Independence Party candidate Steven Wilson. The three candidates gathered to debate several key issues, including healthcare and debt.
October 12, 2010 - Audio clip of U.S. Representative Tim Walz defending his vote on the federal health care overhaul.
July 29, 2010 - All Things Considered’s Tom Crann gets perspective from Congressman Tim Walz on why he approved the $59 Billion dollar plan towards the war effort in Afghanistan.
June 23, 2010 - On this Midday program, MPR’s Gary Eichten talks with Congressman Tim Walz, who represents Minnesota's 1st Congressional District. Topics include General Stanley McChrystal controversy, as well as the broader discussion on relationship between generals, diplomats, and the U.S. president. Walz also answers listener questions.
March 22, 2010 - Morning Edition’s Cathy Wurzer talks with U.S. Representative Tim Walz about his ‘yes’ vote on healthcare reform bill, known as the Affordable Care Act. Walz had been targeted by Republicans hoping he would change his mind.
December 2, 2009 - Morning Edition gets a Democratic perspective on President Obama's new Afghanistan strategy from DFL Congressman Tim Walz. Walz went to Afghanistan on a fact finding mission in September. Walz is also a military veteran, serving 24 years in the Army National Guard and retiring with the rank of command sergeant major.
November 24, 2009 - MPR’s Tom Scheck reports that two members of Minnesota's congressional delegation urged the Legislature to repeal a law that prohibits the construction of nuclear power plants in the state. DFL Congressman Tim Walz and Republican Congressman Erik Paulsen say allowing new nuclear power plants would give Minnesota more energy options. Critics say the benefits of nuclear power are still in doubt.