August 17, 2018 - MPR’s John Enger reports on Republican gubernatorial nominee Jeff Johnson and his DFL opponent Tim Walz as they faced each other on debate stage in Nisswa for their first meeting. While views on topics like mining and pipeline were similar, healthcare and taxes became key debates between the two candidates.
August 16, 2018 - All Thing’s Considered’s Tom Crann interviews Congressman Tim Walz the day after his win in the DFL gubernatorial primary. Walz defeated Attorney General Lori Swanson and State Representative Erin Murphy, with 42% of the vote.
August 10, 2018 - MPR’s Brian Bakst reports on an MPR hosted debate between the three Democrats chasing their party's nomination for Minnesota governor ahead of primary election. There are plenty of areas where Erin Murphy, Lori Swanson, and Tim Walz agree. But the candidates highlighted distinctions among them on topics of guns, immigration, marijuana, and more.
July 25, 2018 - On this program of MPR News at 11, host Kerri Miller talks with DFL candidate Tim Walz. As governor, DFL candidate Tim Walz said he would support legalizing recreational marijuana, raising the gas tax to pay for transportation projects, and would help bridge the urban and rural divide in the state. Other topics in conversation include gun control, Polymet and Twin Metals copper nickel mining, refugees, and pipeline.
June 12, 2018 - MPR’s Brian Bakst reports on efforts by 1st District Congressman Tim Walz to refocus his gubernatorial campaign. Walz spent much of this year as the DFL favorite for governor, had the most money, topped a precinct caucus straw poll, and honed a message toward winning back moderate voters who have fallen away from the party. Then came a state convention that turned out poorly for Walz, and a new entrant in the race who threatens to cut into his primary election base.
April 20, 2018 - As part of the Meet the Candidates series, MPR’s Mike Mulcahy interviews DFL Congressman Tim Walz, who has become a candidate for governor. Topics include state education, transportation, rural communities, gun control, environment, healthcare, and faith in government. Walz also answers questions from listeners.
May 10, 2017 - As part of MPR Day in Mankato, All Things Considered’s Tom Crann talks with Minnesota's 1st District Congressman Tim Walz at the historic Kato Ballroom. Topics include the unique aspects of his district, Affordable Care Act, and Trump’s firing of FBI director.
March 27, 2017 - All Things Considered’s Tom Crann talks with MPR’s Brian Bakst about Congressman Tim Walz’s announcement that he is running for governor. They discuss how this shakes up the 2018 Minnesota political landscape.
March 4, 2017 - MPR’s Mark Steil reports on southern Minnesota town hall meeting U.S. Representative Tim Walz had with constituents. There was a lot of interest regarding President Trump’s allegation that his phones were tapped and Trump’s recent immigration policies.
January 17, 2017 - Morning Edition’s Cathy Wurzer interviews DFL U.S. Representative Tim Walz about President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Secretary of Veterans Affairs, David Shulkin. Shulkin currently serves in the VA Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health. He was appointed to that position by President Barack Obama in 2015.