October 13, 2004 - Governor Pawlenty says he wants to increase K-12 education funding next year, as long as the money is linked to several key reforms. The governor plans to push the recommendations of a national panel that wants to overhaul the current systems for training and paying teachers. Pawlenty outlined his priorities for schools today (Wednesday) during a meeting with business, education and government leaders. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
September 27, 2004 - Any way you look at it, students of color aren't doing as well in school as their white classmates. The academic disparities among racial groups are known collectively as "the achievement gap." Each round of test scores puts the problem in sharp focus. It's a persistent, national problem. But recent reports have shown an especially wide gap in Minnesota. There's no single cause or a clear solution. Still, schools are under increased pressure to close the divide. All this week, Minnesota Public Radio is examining the issue. Reporter Tim Pugmire begins our series, The Education Achievement Gap: Minnesota's Embarrassment, with this overview.
March 16, 2004 - Governor Pawlenty's task force on education finance reform wants to give local school officials more discretion over how to spend state aid, as long as their students are succeeding in the classroom. Panel members are recommending the state provide block grants to school districts that would come with fewer strings attached than the current system. The task force held its final meeting Monday, completing a proposal that's been seven months in the making. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
January 29, 2004 - A new report says recent cuts in state child care subsidies are having a negative impact on many low income families and providers. Officials with the Children's Defense Fund and Child Care WORKS say eligibility reductions approved last year by the Minnesota Legislature have resulted in longer waiting lists, the closure of child care centers and the return of some families to welfare programs. But a key lawmaker is questioning the report's accuracy. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
January 5, 2004 - Governor Pawlenty is proposing more legislative initiatives aimed at improving Minnesota's public schools. The Republican governor unveiled another wish list today (Monday) that includes plans for restructuring low-performing school districts, expanding the number of charter schools and reducing disparities among regions in Internet availability. DFL lawmakers claim the proposals are rehashed ideas that will bring little improvement. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
December 19, 2003 - Minneapolis school district officials say mid-year budget cuts will result in the loss of 17 jobs, including as many as five teachers. Administrators will present a detailed plan for their $4.5 million districtwide budget fix today during a special school board meeting. The schools themselves will absorb about a quarter of the cuts. But principals say after three years of budget reductions, they have no fat left to cut. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports.
December 12, 2003 - Minneapolis school district officials say they need to make four and a half million dollars in budget cuts by the end of the month. The mid-year budget correction comes on top of the 30 million dollars in reductions needed earlier this year to balance the current budget. The new cuts will mostly affect the district's center support services. But individual schools will also take a hit, and more teacher layoffs are a possibility. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
December 4, 2003 - The citizens committee working on the proposed Social Studies standards for Minnesota public schools is facing a December 15th deadline to finish its second draft. The revised document is expected to look much different than the earlier version, which generated widespread criticism. But the pending changes might not be enough to satisfy some critics. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
December 1, 2003 - A gubernatorial task force is working to put new ideas on education funding before the Legislature early next year. The goals include determining the exact cost of providing a basic public school education in Minnesota. The panel wants to define the elements of an adequate instructional program before developing a plan to overhaul the state's complex funding system for schools. Task force members met today (Monday) in Roseville to discuss their latest findings. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...
November 25, 2003 - Minneapolis school district officials are trying to slow the exodus of students to city charter schools. A report issued last month quantified for the first time what district officials long suspected - that they're losing students to charter schools by the hundreds. The report prompted district leaders to begin addressing the charter school competition. But charter school advocates say the district is using test scores and legislative proposals to mount an unfair attack. Minnesota Public Radio's Tim Pugmire reports...