February 27, 1998 - MPR’s Cara Hetland reports on 25th anniversary of Wounded Knee, a 72 day stand-off between members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the tribal and federal governments. Some regard the incident at Wounded Knee in western South Dakota as the beginning of an era of increased Indian activism and by others as the end to progress on the reservation.
May 13, 1996 - Tim Giago, publisher of Lakota Times, comments on Chip Wadena, tribal gaming, and the varied forms and challenges of tribal government.
December 1, 1989 - An interview with journalist Tim Giago who publishes the Lakota Times on the Pine Ridge Reservation, a paper that focuses on Native stories and for Native rights.
July 28, 1988 - MPR’s Tom Meersman looks at the 20th anniversary of American Indian Movement (AIM). Report looks at the history, actions, and controversies of organization.