October 30, 1975 - Minnesota grain elevator owners deal with increased yields of corn at harvest time. Lack of farmer owned storage and drying results in outdoor storage at commercial elevator sites.
October 13, 1975 - MPR’s Steve Monroe interviews Jerry Perkins, a farmer near Worthington about the corn yield this year. Perkins discusses various harvesting challenges, including weather and where do you cut down on the use of fuel at the expense of crop loss in the field?
May 7, 1975 - Representatives from the Minnesota High School League and the state's clergy met to discuss the possibility of setting aside one night a week - Wednesday - for church based youth activity. The clergy feels that given a choice, kids would choose basketball over catechism, and the state feels it would be difficult trying to put a stated day on the books, and would opt for locally based agreements between schools and churches.
May 5, 1975 - Clay county farmers talk about when they need to get their crops in the ground. Production cut-backs are a strategy to increase prices, which is happening in Clay county. Beet growers need to increase revenue due to losses in wheat and barley. Red River Valley planting would be helped with a few weeks of sun. Second half of story has high frequency pitch.
March 28, 1975 - MPR’s Steve Monroe reports on numerous towers toppled in southwestern Minnesota by winter storms, including the KRSW 700 ft broadcast tower. A combination of freezing rain and high winds were too much for numerous radio and TV towers in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota.
January 29, 1975 - Charles P. Reinert, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry/Physics at Southwest Minnesota State College in Marshall, discusses agriculture and energy. Dr. Reinert was a member of the Governor's Energy Policy Task Force for the State of Minnesota.
January 13, 1975 - MPR’s Steve Monroe reports on blizzard’s aftermath in Worthington, Minnesota. This includes an interview with young entrepreneur Steve Erebus, who is dealing with damaged greenhouses that contained orchids.
November 22, 1974 - The Minnesota Soil Association promotes low-energy/organic farming. Energy shortage may influence farmers to take organic farming more seriously.
November 7, 1974 - President of the South Dakota chapter of the National Organization of Farmers Delton Minder speaks about collective bargaining for farmers and necessity of said farmers being able to set prices on commodities.
October 9, 1974 - Documentary on Southwestern Minnesota tour of ‘Minnesota Poetry Out Loud’ - a week-long caravan of Minnesota poets operating out of Camden State Park, south of Marshall, giving formal and informal readings at the end of July 1974.