October 4, 1974 - Robert B. Carleson, U.S. Commissioner of Welfare and key policy advisor on welfare, talks about the difficulties in controlling welfare fraud. Seldom has there been a policy on prosecution of welfare fraud. Additionally, the paperwork from state to state varied to such a degree that it's difficult to detect fraud. Richard Rizley, Minneapolis Chief of the Fraud Unit, talks about the amount of fraud vs. the amount they are prosecuting and the variety of types of fraud.
October 4, 1974 - Robert B. Carleson, U.S. Commissioner of Welfare discusses the bases behind welfare overpayment. Attempts by his office to determine whether overpayments were due to fraud and cheating of the welfare system, or due to error on the part of applicants and/or officers. Discussion of investigation of either in state level welfare offices.
October 4, 1974 - Robert B. Carleson, U.S. Commissioner on Welfare discusses recent inquiries to determine how much fraud and cheating are going on in the welfare system. Investigations into $1 billion of expenditure based on either fraud or error also discussed.