October 14, 2010 - American RadioWorks' Stephen Smith and Kate Ellis join Midday’s Gary Eichten to talk about their new book, Say it Loud!: Great Speeches on Civil Rights and African American Identity.
December 1, 2008 - "Say It Plain: A Century of Great African American Speeches". An American RadioWorks documentary. Featuring speeches from: Booker T. Washington: A former slave and the most influential African American at the turn of the 20th century
August 23, 2006 - American RadioWorks and Marketplace present the documentary “Rebuilding Biloxi: One Year after Katrina.” Hurricane Katrina devastated the lives of thousands of Mississippi Gulf Coast residents. Rebuilding Biloxi tells the stories of several families in the coastal community of Biloxi, Miss., and their struggle to survive and then recover from the storm.
February 1, 2005 - American RadioWorks presents the documentary “Say it Plain - A Century of African American Oratory.” Spanning the 20th century, this audio speech collection is a vivid account of how African Americans sounded the charge against racial injustice, exhorting the country to live up to its democratic principles.
May 1, 2004 - American RadioWorks presents “Thurgood Marshall Before the Court,” a documentary on the story of Thurgood Marshall's remarkable career before he joined the Supreme Court, when he was the nation's leading civil rights lawyer.
November 4, 2003 - Three of America's most compelling presidents - John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richrad M. Nixon bugged their White House offices and tapped their telephones. They left behind thousands of secretly recorded conversations, from momentous to mundane. In this documentary project, American RadioWorks eavesdrops on presidential telephone calls to hear how each man used one-on-one politics to shape history.