November 5, 1980 - This program includes excerpts from concession speeches by President Jimmy Carter, Vice President Walter Mondale, Independent candidate John Anderson, and the acceptance speech by President Elect Ronald Reagan.
August 22, 1980 - John Anderson, Independent presidential candidate, speaking in Minneapolis Auditorium at Minnesota State Fairgrounds, as part of his "National Unity" campaign. More than 2,000 of the devoted and the curious paid three dollars each to hear Anderson speak.
September 21, 1978 - John Anderson, republican congressman of Illinois and Jerry Thomas, former Undersecretary of the Treasury, discuss the Republican-sponsored plan for a 33% income tax cut over three years and explain their nationwide media blitz by party officials to publicize the proposal.
April 11, 1973 - Senator Sam Ervin talks about his role in upcoming Watergate investigation hearing and how he would handle recalcitrant witnesses. Sen. Gurney talks about executive privilege and the political process. House Republican John Anderson reacts to yesterday?s testimony by Attorney General Kleindienst . He says extension and expansion of the doctrine of executive privilege offered byt the attorney general threw down the gauntlet to Congress to legislate and move faster than it thought.