December 29, 1998 - Walter Mondale, former vice-president, and his son Ted Mondale, former state senator and gubernatorial candidate, talk about politics and politicians...then and now. Topics include leadership, trust, and necessity of genuine debate. The Mondale’s also answer listener questions.
April 5, 1991 - Skip Humphrey (aka Hubert Humphrey III), Minnesota's attorney general, discusses various law enforcement issues, including gang violence, gun limits, and environmental law. Humphrey also answers listener questions.
January 28, 1988 - Midday presents the MPR documentary “The Politics of Joy: A Radio Remembrance of Hubert Humphrey.” MPR’s Mark Heistad reflects on political life and impact of Hubert H. Humphrey in both Minnesota and the nation.
January 14, 1978 - Hubert H Humphrey obituary program, presenting a timeline of Humphrey’s life. Includes excerpts of Humphrey’s speeches and interviews, as well as sound and music segments.
August 18, 1977 - This program features excerpts from a recent rural life conference for young people in Southwestern Minnesota, including speeches by Dr, Jon Wefald, president of Southwest State University in Marshall: Roger Blobaum, agricultural consultant; Thomas Wyman, president of Green Giant Company; Congressman Richard Nolan of Minnesota's Sixth District; Father John McRaith, executive director of the Catholic Rural Life Conference; and Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphrey.
April 23, 1976 - John Merli talks with Senator Hubert Humphrey 6 days before his announcement not to actively seek the 1976 Democratic Presidential nomination about his personal retreat at Lake Waverly, and about his unique "non-running" position in campaign 1976.
December 14, 1975 - Hubert H Humphrey speaks at DFL feminist caucus, saying law calling for equal pay for equal work isn't enforced. He talks about how much women earn compared to men.
December 14, 1975 - Hubert H. Humphrey speaks at DFL feminist caucus on the ERA Amendment and need to educate those who are needed for its ratification.
July 15, 1975 - Secretary of State Henry Kissinger speaking at the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington, followed by a question and answer period. Speech was titled "The Moral Foundations of Foreign Policy". Event sponsored by the Upper Midwest Council. Opening remarks and introduction by Senator Hubert Humphrey and Governor Wendell Anderson. Outside protests and an inside heckler can be heard occasionally throughout recording.
June 3, 1975 - Hubert Humphrey on unemployment, says maximum sustainable level is four percent