May 12, 2003 - Four former Minnesota governors speak at the 2003 Freeman Forum: Community, Consensus & the Common Good. The forum is named after former Gov. Orville Freeman, who died this year. Former governors Arne Carlson, Wendell Anderson, Elmer L. Andersen and Al Quie are included in the forum.
March 19, 2001 - MPR’s Laura McCallum reports on Minnesota's eldest former Governor Elmer Andersen address to the Senate, one of only two times in recent memory a former statesman has been invited to speak on the Senate floor. Anderson’s speech was of humor and seriousness regarding the budget. The 91-year-old Andersen used his half-hour speech to reminisce about politics and criticize Governor Ventura's budget.
December 22, 1995 - Former Governor Elmer Andersen comments on cuts and layoffs taking place at H.B. Fuller. Andersen reflects on company history of protecting jobs when Andersen was president, a post he held until 1974.