May 20, 1997 - Midday discussion with the four legislative leaders from the State Capitol. Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe, Senate Minority Leader Dean Johnson, House Speaker Phil Carruthers, and House Minority Leader Steve Sviggum share their thoughts on the close of the regular legislative session and the chances of a special session due to potential governor veto on education bill. The guests also answer listener call-in questions.
April 2, 1997 - Midday discussion with two state legislative leaders to talk about issues facing lawmakers halfway through the session, including welfare reform bill, abortion, immigrant assistance, taxes, and education. Guests Speaker of the House Phil Carruthers and Senate Minority Leader Dean Johnson share their viewpoints and answer listener call-in questions.
March 19, 1993 - MPR’s Mike Mulcahy reports on bill passage in both Minnesota Senate and House of Representatives that changes the state's human rights law to prohibit discrimination against gays and lesbians in areas like housing, employment and education.
March 18, 1993 - State Senator Dean Johnson speaks with Cathy Wurzer about concerns and considerations connected to gay rights bill vote.