May 18, 2017 - MPR’s Marianne Combs profiles Vietnamese American spoken word artist Bao Phi, who talks of the how racial trauma affects both his poetry and life. Phi also discusses his collection, “Thousand Star Hotel.”
July 29, 2015 - Award-winning author Alexs Pate discusses how his experiences as a Black-American man influence his writing and move him to explore themes of guilt and innocence — along with hope and bitterness. Pate is the author of five novels, including the best-selling Amistad.
March 15, 1991 - MPR’s Beth Friend profiles St. Paul poet and essayist David Mura. Mura is interviewed about his experience getting a writing grant and moving to Japan for a year.
January 30, 1984 - Twin Cities poet Roseann Lloyd reads from her work as part of a series of readings presented by COMPAS. She read in conjunction with novelist Alice Walker at The Saint Paul Hotel.