March 31, 1995 - Midday presents a WCAL documentary from The Live of Children series, titled “A Good Hmong Girl.” Documentary explores Hmong girls and women adjusting to life in the United States during the 90s. Topics include struggle against traditional Hmong culture, abuse issues, and depression.
November 4, 1994 -
February 15, 1994 - Minnesota Governor Arne Carlson's State of the State address delivered in Rochester. Topics of speech included fighting crime, family values, jobs, and taxes. MPR’s Mike Mulcahy and Carol Gunderson report prior to and after speech.
September 24, 1993 - Mainstreet Radio presents broadcast from the Meadowland Farmer's Co Op in Lamberton, Minnesota. The program focuses on how local area is dealing with the effects of flooding from the previous spring and summer, and the impact it is having on farms and the economy.
August 6, 1992 -
March 4, 1991 - Midday presents “Who's in charge in the 90s?” documentary series, which focuses on bio-medical issues facing the decade. Part three of series focuses on past Nazi Germany medical atrocities, the U.S. Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and how to keep sound ethics behind modern medical experimentation in the United States by utilizing peer review and informed consent.
November 19, 1988 - On this Midday program, a special documentary about teenage pregnancy produced by Carol Gunderson from member station KLSE in Rochester. Following dcocumentary, Dr. Betty Jerome, director of the Teenage Medical Center at Minneapolis Children's Hospital, answers listener questions on the subject.
February 4, 1988 - Midday presents the documentary “Liberty's Children: A Celebration of Citizenship," produced by KLSE’s Carol Gunderson. The half-hour documentary profiles a Mayo Clinic medical student from Mexico and his struggle to become an American citizen. It also includes commentary from others on their experience in becoming a U.S. citizen.