December 16, 1998 - MPR’s Gary Eichten interviews Steven Schier, Carleton College political science professor, about Thursday's impeachment debate. Topic of the inevitability of impeachment is addressed. Program also includes interviews with four of Minnesota's representatives in Congress (Martin Sabo, Bill Luther, Gil Gutknecht, and Bruce Vento), and Judge Andrew Danielson on perjury.
September 11, 1998 - Congressional reaction and political analysis of the Ken Starr report to Congress on President Bill Clinton. Steven Schier, Carleton College political scientist, discusses release of report. Program also presents Clinton speech from the White House, and statements from members of Minnesota's congressional delegation.
October 25, 1996 - Midday offers a chance to hear from the candidates in the 4th and 6th Congressional Districts. For the first half hour, 6th District DFL Congressman Bill Luther and his Republican challenger Tad Jude. For the second half hour, 4th District DFL Congressman Bruce Vento and his Republican challenger Dennis Newinski.
October 28, 1994 - On this Midday program, a second day of broadcasts with Independent Republican and DFL candidates for Congress. MPR’s Gary Eichten interviews incumbent DFL Bruce Vento I-R and his I-R challenger Dennis Newinski, both running for the 4th District. Following that, a lively in-studio interview with DFL candidate Bill Luther and I-R candidate Tad Jude, both running for 6th District.
May 21, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, MPR legislative reporter Debbie Gage introduces an example of the Minnesota legislature and how they function. The debate on this program is on the Ban the Can bill, which deals with container deposit and litter.