August 7, 1997 - Midday rebroadcasts a Minnesota Public Radio documentary produced by MPR’s Mark Heistad. "The Strike is On!," is an oral history of the early labor movement in Minnesota, with emphasis on the struggle to organize Iron Range workers, Austin’s Hormel strike, the Minneapolis truckers strike of 1934, and more.
January 3, 1992 - Minnesota labor activist Harry DeBoer is remembered by former union radical. De Boer was instrumental in the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 and a leading member of the Socialist Workers Party.
September 2, 1985 - MPR’s Mark Heistad presents "The Strike is On!," an oral history of the early labor movement in Minnesota, with emphasis on the struggle to organize Iron Range workers, Austin’s Hormel strike, the Minneapolis truckers strike of 1934, and more.