May 14, 2018 - MPR’s Nina Moini reports on the chronic homeless population living on the Twin Cities light rail system. Police and homeless outreach coordinators say the number of people using the Green and Blue lines as a mobile shelter is increasing at an alarming rate.
February 12, 2002 - As part of the American RadioWorks project called "Radio Fights Jim Crow," MPR’s Brandt Williams talks with older African Americans in Minnesota about their memories of segregation in the feature “Up South.”
October 11, 1993 - MPR’s Mike Mulcahy interviews Melvin Carter, Jr. and Mario Lee, members of Save Our Sons (SOS). Carter and Lee talk of the challenges and needs of community to guide and support youth.
April 2, 1993 - MPR’s Elizabeth Stawicki reports on the unique challenges local Black police officers face in the line of duty. The Black Police Officers Association is attempting to bridge the gap between police and the community and better support from within department.