November 7, 2012 - MPR’s Laura Yuen reports on Minnesotans rejection of a proposed constitutional amendment that would have made marriage only between a man and a woman. It also made the state the only one in the nation to defeat a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
October 26, 1994 - MPR’s Tom Fudge reports on the arrest of Vice Lord leader Sharif Willis and Vincent Edward Fields on a robbery and hostage incident. Mike Freeman, Hennepin County attorney; Jerry McAfee, member of United for Peace; and Tom Helgeson, The City, Inc. spokesperson spoke on arrest and charges. Keith Ellison, Willis’s attorney, had no comment.
December 7, 1990 - MPR’s Tom Fudge reports on a tense community meeting at North High School in Minneapolis. Angry residents expressed their feelings over police shooting death of Tycel Nelson and belief of police misconduct against the Minneapolis Black community.