August 20, 1987 - The 10th annual Summer Conference on Theology and the Church, held at Concordia College in Moorhead, presenting a debate on religious fundamentalism. Erling Jorstad, professor of history and American studies at St. Olaf College in Northfield, shares his views on fundamentalism and the religious right. Jorstad has studied and written extensively about fundamentalism. Countering Jorstod, Reverend Edward Dobson, editor of "The Fundamentalist Journal" and board member of the Moral Majority, presents his viewpoint on the Religious Right. Dobson is also co-author of a book with the Reverend Jerry Falwell, former vice president for student affairs at Liberty Baptist University at Lynchburg, Virginia.
February 13, 1990 - Sandra Harding, philosopher at University of Delaware, speaking at the 25th annual Nobel Conference, titled "The End of Science?" at Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, Minnesota. Glashow offered a feminist perspective on science.
February 14, 1990 - Sheldon Glashow, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, speaking at the 25th annual Nobel Conference, titled "The End of Science?" at Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, Minnesota. Glashow offered his perspective on the future of science.
September 15, 1990 - DFL Senate primary candidates Paul Wellstone, professor of political science at Carleton College; and Jim Nichols, Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture and a former state senator, debate and answer listener questions.
October 10, 1990 - Jon Grunseth, I-R candidate for governor; and Rudy Perpich, incumbent DFL governor of Minnesota, speaking to the endorsing convention of the SHOW Minnesota Education Association. Grunseth and Perpich shared their differing views on education issues and answered audience questions. Following debate, program presents a Mainstreet Radio education report.
October 23, 1990 - MPR presents a Minnesota Senate debate with Rudy Boschwitz, U.S. Minnesota Senator (I-R); and Paul Wellstone, DFL challenger. The candidates participate in a wide-ranging discussion of the issues. Debate was moderated by MPR’s Bob Potter.
October 30, 1990 - Political debate between Arlan Stangeland, 7th District I-R Congressman; and challenger Collin Peterson, DFL challenger, have political debate in television studio of Concordia College. Peterson has challenged Stangeland twice before. Topics of debate included budget, taxes, agricultural, controversy over personal phone calls by Stangeland. The 7th District covers the entire northwestern quarter of the state, from Saint Cloud to Moorhead, and all the way up to the Canadian border.
November 20, 1990 - John Chubb, senior fellow in government studies at the Brookings Institution; Robert Maddox, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Nelson Smith of the U.S. Department of Education; and Ray Marshall, former Secretary of Labor in the Carter Administration and now a Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, speaking at an education reform conference sponsored by The Center of the American Experiment. The group provide varying views about education reform. Chubb has written a new book called "Politics, Markets and American Schools", and argued that our system of public education is so dysfunctional that we need to start all over again. Maddox is part of group that opposes using vouchers as a tool for school reform, and that taxpayers should not be required to support specific religious values and beliefs as they are conveyed through parochial schools. Marshall stated the future of our country depends on what we do to improve education for minority students and argued that the U.S. will only be able to compete internationally if we make sure that all our children are well educated. Smith discussed social problems such as fatherless households, drugs and poverty that some people think prevent the public-school system from meeting the educational needs of all children.
January 12, 1991 - As part of congressional debate on the authorization for war in the Persian Gulf, Minnesota's Republican Senator David Durenberger speaks on his view of authorizing resolution. He began by sharing a proverb with his colleagues.
January 12, 1991 - As part of congressional debate on the authorization for war in the Persian Gulf, Wisconsin Republican Congressman Steve Gunderson speaks on his view of authorizing resolution.