March 31, 1981 - MPR’s Rich Dietman interviews St. Paul native Gerry Spiess, who talks about his solo voyage across the Atlantic in a boat he built himself named "Yankee Girl". Spiess also discusses his plans for his next journey with "Yankee Girl", this time across the Pacific ocean with stops in Hawaii, Samoa, and Australia.
May 27, 1986 - MPR’s Kate Moos talks with St. Paul’s Ann Bancroft about her expedition to the South Pole. Bancroft recounts the challenges of being in the Arctic.
August 18, 1988 - MPR's Stephen Smith observes an average day in the life of a nuclear missile crew based at Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota. He finds out that there is no button to launch a nuke; it's actually a set of keys…and keeping the keys can be pretty dull work.
November 14, 1989 - MPR’s Chris Roberts shares how basketball star, Janet Karvonen, made it to the Minnesota Hall of Fame and her local legacy within Minnesota. She is the first women to be inducted into this hall of fame and at the time was the youngest inductee as well.
March 10, 1994 - Carol Bellamy, national director of the Peace Corps, discusses the history and mission of the Peace Corps. Bellamy also answers listener questions.
October 2, 1995 - Ann Bancroft talks with MPR’s Stephen Smith about her life as an adventurer. She has accomplished much in her career including that she was the first woman to go to the North Pole and was the first woman to go across the ice to the South Pole.
October 2, 1995 - Ann Bancroft talks with MPR’s Stephen Smith about her life as an adventurer. She has accomplished much in her career including that she was the first woman to go to the North Pole and was the first woman to go across the ice to the South Pole.
October 2, 1995 - Ann Bancroft talks with MPR’s Stephen Smith about her life as an adventurer. She has accomplished much in her career including that she was the first woman to go to the North Pole and was the first woman to go across the ice to the South Pole.
October 2, 1995 - Ann Bancroft talks with MPR’s Stephen Smith about her life as an adventurer. She has accomplished much in her career including that she was the first woman to go to the North Pole and was the first woman to go across the ice to the South Pole.
May 7, 1997 - Midday presents a special "Voices of Minnesota" program featuring the accounts of three Minnesotans during the Holocaust of World War Two. MPR reporter Dan Olson's conversations include the experience of Lucy Smith of St. Paul, who spent her childhood hiding from Nazis in Poland; the recollections of Reider Dittman, who was sent to a concentration camp; and a description of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp by Twin Cities architect Leonard Parker.