March 20, 1973 - The speaker (Holloway?) says the governor reaffirmed his commitment to Right to Read in the state of Minnesota and agreed to try to get some of his colleagues to hear about the program and get involved. She thinks it?s remarkable that the governor of a state can take that kind of interest in the program; he knows about it, he believes in it. Also the State Commissioner of Education is interested in eliminating illiteracy and providing the right to read for all children. She adds it?s obvious when she visited a school today that it?s not just a state level effort. It really is something that filters to the local school and that?s impressive.
March 20, 1973 - Female speaker (Holloway?) says Minnesota has moved far ahead on reading programs and has been able to coordinate resources to focus on a central goal. We want to take the concept from Minnesota and share it with other states, and perhaps learn from them as well. Some outstanding features of the Minnesota model are the ability to coordinate existing resources, and can help other people learn hw to coordinate resources; there?s a multiplier effect. They have been able to get people to commit themselves to placing reading as a priority. very often in federal programs nothing is established as a priority; the priority is determined by the amount of money received. Minnesota has been able to get school districts and superintendents and boards of education to establish the priority first.
April 6, 1973 - MPR’s Connie Goldman looks at the Orff Music Education System, a music educator organization founded in 1968 to promote the philosophy of Carl Orff, German contemporary composer and educator. The Orff approach promotes children using special instruments to make music their own way. Lynne Wagenholt, a teacher, explains the system
April 10, 1973 - Bill introduced in MN House that would prohibit busing of school children on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, or sex. Bill co-author Bradley Piper (R-Burnsville), says majority of Minnesotans are against busing. The better solution is to upgrade inner city schools and to ?protect the neighborhood schools as we know them?. Co-author Joe Connors (DFL-Fridley) says forces busing creates a threat to freedom of man (bite: welfare of state and nation best served by policy that declares state not distinguish between its citizens on the basis of race in administering its laws) He cited studies since 1966 Coleman report that he said show school integration hinders rather than helps black children, MN Commissioner of Education Howard Casmey says he doesn?t think bill would pass but if it did it would completely negate all work of St. Paul, Mpls and State Board of Education for the past 5 year. (bite: State Board has been collecting data for 5 years, hours of public hearings, thousands of hours of research vs. one presentation this morning for 40 minutes. Can?t conceive of Legislature passing legislation without a great deal more testimony. Also today Mpls/St. Paul public schools celebrate Desegregation Day, Today?s testimony this morning contrary to what is being celebrating, very sad.) Larry Heron Supt of Urban Affairs for Mpls School system, also said if passed the bill would harm progress. Bill referred to subcommittee.
April 11, 1973 - Speaker argues for school programs for talented children, says it?s important despite school districts facing levy limitations and wanting to cut programs. Minnesota is supposed to have one of the finest education systems in the United states but it hasn?t really taken care of one problem. Schools are ignoring talented students. He says that many students who have gone through school system end up dropouts, have behavioral problems, even end up in reformatories or other places.
April 13, 1973 - Minneapolis is one of three cities in Minnesota participating in a grant-funded art enrichment program for schools emphasizing dance and movement. Mary Rae Josephson, State Coordinator for the Minnesota Artists in the Schools, the Dance Component Program, explains how the program works. Children can learn from moving. Minnesota is one of three states in the country that has the program operating in more than one city. Professional dance companies from all over the country come in and work with children. Students in dance class talk about how and why they dance, and what they like about it. Nat sound of teacher talking to students in a class.
April 16, 1973 - Proposed school aid formula bill would cost $14 million above Gov. Anderson?s budget recommendation. Senate counsel Rick Sands explains the bill, saying it would provide additional dollars to AFDC and transportation. Sen. Gerald Anderson talks about what this would mean for the taxpayers and thinks will bill have support on both sides. Bill on moratorium of construction of fission nuclear power plants in Minnesota for the next 6 years. Moratorium would not affect current operations at Monticello or Prairie Island; would not ban fusion. Harvard economist Henry Kendall testifies in favor of bill, talks about accidents that could happen in this kind of plant. He describes failure scenario, including reactor core melting in a matter of minutes into an intensely radioactive blob, and releasing quantities of radioactivity in an accident of unparalleled size and scale in this society. This kind of accident cannot be allowed to happen, not ever. Opponents stress growing shortage of fossil fuels and increased dependency on foreign product.
May 5, 1973 - On this Radio Free Saturday, MPR’s Marvin Granger and Pual Gruchow interview Phyllis Kahn, Minnesota state representative. Kahn shares her critique of the University of Minnesota leadership.
May 31, 1973 - Journalist Carl Bernstein, co-winner of the Pulitzer prize, speaking at the University of Minnesota. Bernstein's speech is on Watergate and the current state of political affairs. Speech is followed by Bernstein answering questions from the audience.
June 24, 1973 - Part eight of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “The New Doctor on Old Main Street” and discusses if physicians are being adequately prepared to live in small communities, as well as community reaction to them.