December 22, 2006 - On this special In the Loop event at the USB Forum, MPR’s Jeff Horwich presents the show "Lighting Up The Holidays: Feeding and fighting our light obsession." Program includes music, interviews, stories, and lots of voices -- including many guests and audience members in the UBS Forum.
August 17, 2007 - Catastrophes, such as the I-35W bridge collapse and 9/11, raise the question of how much the government should invest in the safety and security of its population. But safety may come at a cost too great for the government to bear. Panelists discussed the issue along with members of the public at Minnesota Public Radio's UBS Forum.
September 4, 2008 - Behind party lines: what it means to be a Republican. Jeff Horwich, Stephanie Curtis, andMichael Caputo interviewed Republicans at MPR headquarters, September 3, 2008. St. Paul, Minn. ? Delegates joined in St. Paul to mingle, to party and to hear from Republican luminaries. And, of course, they nominated a GOP ticket for the White House. Many paid their own way to be a Republican delegate. Why? What motivates them to not only be active in politics, but to ally themselves with a political party. Who are these people that would take time out of their lives, time away from work and, often, their families to rally around the Republican Party banner? Minnesota Public Radio news, along with with partner public broadcasting stations in Oregon and North Carolina, assembled a dozen Republican delegates and volunteers from around the nation and asked them to get beyond the canned answers and speeches to tell us why they hold their political allegiances. Delegates from places like Oregon, Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana and Minnesota talked, in a personal way about what shaped their beliefs.
September 26, 2008 - First presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama, UBS listeners post-deabte reactions
October 2, 2008 - Vice-presidential debate listening party in UBS Forum, post-debate audience reactions to the Biden / Palin debate
October 15, 2008 - Post-debate UBS Forum discussion with voters. Third and final presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. Host Jeff Horwich. This audio also aired on Midday 10/16/08, Hour 3.
June 10, 2010 - Journalist and best-selling author Sebastian Junger speaks at the UBS Forum about his book, titled War. The book follows a platoon of soldiers in Eastern Afghanistan and explores the psychological and social effects of combat in one of the most dangerous regions of the country.