LGBTQ+ life in Minnesota is a chronological collection of stories that provide a glimpse into the history and sometimes turbulent nature of the LGBTQ+ experience in the state. This curation is not to highlight individual Minnesotans based on their orientation, but rather to present voices of and on the LGBTQ+ community…as it relates to the enduring fight for civil rights, societal achievements, and the act of many in attaining acceptance and inclusion in towns, family, healthcare, church, education, politics, arts, and the workplace.
August 29, 1986 - MPR’s Bill Catlin reports on disagreements over potential use of gay lifestyle panels in Minneapolis schools, a curriculum designed by educator Polly Kellogg. The latest debate involves different policies on curriculum submitted by Minneapolis School District.
November 7, 1986 - MPR’s Bill Catlin reports on Community United Against Violence, a group formed to draw attention to the recent string of 11 gay murders in the Twin Cities. The group will be organizing activity to heighten awareness of violence, especially violence against homosexuals. Yesterday's announcement comes at a time of heightened tension between some leaders of the gay community and police. There have been complaints that the police aren't doing enough to solve unsolved gay murder cases.
November 20, 1987 - MPR’s Mike Mulcahy talks with Eric Stoltz, an aid to Minnesota State Senator Allen Spear, about the third annual Gay & Lesbian Political Conference, which is being held in Minneapolis. Topics of conference include 1988 elections and AIDS epidemic.
March 31, 1988 - MPR’s Kate Moos interviews AIDS Jacqui Banaszynski about her work “Aids in the Heartland,” which won her the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing. Banaszynski and her photographer, Jean Pieri followed two gay Minnesota farmers - Dick Hanson and his partner, Bert Henningson - one of whom had contracted AIDS.
September 28, 1988 - MPR’s Dan Olson reports on Delta Lambda Phi, the first fraternity for gay, bisexual, and progressive men at the University of Minnesota. Olson interviews numerous students and officials about the creation of organization on campus.
May 20, 1989 - MPR’s Kathleen Hallinan profiles Karen Thompson, an activist and feminist, whose court fight over human rights issues captured national attention. Thompson speaks on racism, sexism, gay rights, and disability rights.
June 26, 1990 - MPR’s Bill Wareham reports on St. Paul City Council passage of ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals in employment, housing, education, and public services. Wareham interviews advocates and opponents of the measure.
July 10, 1990 - MPR’s Chris Roberts looks at the collaboration between U.S. West Communications and EAGLE (Employee Association of Gay and Lesbians). The company has started gay and lesbian awareness and resource programs in an effort to create a more open workplace. Roberts interviews members from both organizations.
July 25, 1990 - MPR’s Chris Tetlin reports on upcoming Civil Rights Commission hearing regarding complaint by Dignity, a national organization of gay and lesbian Catholics, against the Twin Cities Archdiocese. The Diginity Twin Cities chapter used space at the Newman Center for worship services and other meetings until the Catholic church decided group could no longer lease facilities.
September 13, 1990 - MPR’s Stephen Smith reports on an increase in attacks on individuals of the gay community in the Twin Cities. Smith interviews Patti Abbott, a crime/victim advocate for the Minnesota Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council about the seriousness of problem.