On Aug. 1, 2007, the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed into the Mississippi River during evening rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring more than 140.
An investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board later concluded a design flaw as the likely cause of the collapse. Investigators also cited additional weight from construction-related materials on the bridge when it collapsed as a contributing factor.
Minneapolis officials have dedicated a Remembrance Garden memorial honoring the 13 people who died and the injured.
August 3, 2007 - Bridge recovery update, with Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan, his assistant chief and Ted Canova of the Red Cross
August 3, 2007 - NTSB briefing with Mark Rosenker of NTSB
August 3, 2007 - Stanek 7pm nc and reps from Mpls. fire dept
August 3, 2007 - Authorities have just provided the name of a fifth victim of the 35W Bridge collapse. He is Paul Eickstadt, age 51, of Mounds View, Minnesota. Eickstadt was a transport driver, working at Sara Lee bakery located in Roseville. We'll have more details about this newest victim as we obtain them. Meanwhile, family and friends are mourning the four other people who lost their lives in Wednesday's accident. Minnesota Public Radio's Annie Baxter gives us more details on some of those victims.{
August 3, 2007 - Governor Pawlenty said this morning that a 2007 report gave MnDOT two options - reinforcing steel plates, or continuing to inspect the bridge...
August 3, 2007 - A top Minnesota Department of Transportation official says engineers have identified a fourth bridge that has a similar design to the collapsed 35-W bridge. Bob McFarlin says Governor Pawlenty has ordered an immediate inspection of all of those types of bridges.
August 3, 2007 - Workers from the Minnesota Department of Transportation spent the day (FRIDAY) inspecting three bridges across the region. Governor Pawlenty ordered the immediate inspection of bridges at St. Cloud, Sandstone and Osceola, Wisconsin because they're similar in construction to the collapsed 35-W bridge. MnDOT's Cathy Clark says inspectors are looking for cracks that might weaken the bridges. She says they're also using high tech equipment to determine the strengh of the bridges from the inside.
August 3, 2007 - Governor Pawlenty said this morning that a 2007 report gave MnDOT two options - reinforcing steel plates, or continuing to inspect the bridge...
August 3, 2007 - Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak says it's unclear when two bridges across the Mississippi will be reopened. The 10th Avenue and the Stone Arch bridges have been closed since Wednesday evening's collapse of the nearby 35W bridge. Both spans are within the investigation perimeter set up by law enforcement officials. Rybak said the downriver 10th Avenue bridge will need to stay off limits while the recovery efforts continue. But he says he would like see access restored to the Stone Arch bridge as early as next week.
August 3, 2007 - A top Minnesota Department of Transportation official says engineers have identified a fourth bridge that has a similar design to the collapsed 35-W bridge. Bob McFarlin says Governor Pawlenty has ordered an immediate inspection of all of those types of bridges.