Digitization made possible by the National Historical Publications & Records Commission.
May 31, 1973 - Singer, composer, and political activist Malvina Reynolds performs her satirical work “Watergate Song.”
May 31, 1973 - Excerpt of speech in which Carl Bernstein shares his view on the political practices in Watergate.
June 3, 1973 - Part five of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “Mining, Music and Much Ado about Sports”, exploring the relationship between a miner and the giant corporation he works for.
June 10, 1973 - Part six of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “All the News that's Fit” and is a study of how journalism influenced regional feeling as the state grew.
June 17, 1973 - Part seven of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “More Than One Wilderness” and profiles living in Minnesota, from city to cabin.
June 21, 1973 - MPR’s Bill Siemering interviews poet Mark Vinz, editor of Dakota Territory. The interview is broken into three segments. Vinz talks about the use of regionalism in writing, young writers, and conflict/war. Vinz also reads numerous poems.
June 24, 1973 - Part eight of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “The New Doctor on Old Main Street” and discusses if physicians are being adequately prepared to live in small communities, as well as community reaction to them.
July 1, 1973 - Part nine of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “Just One Studded Tire” and looks at the problems of people living on state borders. What do the boundaries prevent them from doing?
July 8, 1973 - Part ten of the MER documentary series, A Sense of Place. Program is titled “Water: Words and Music.” Program profiles a meeting on June 15, 1973 regarding asbestos fibers found in Lake Superior.
August 8, 1973 - MPR’s Bill Siemering interviews Midwestern poet Mark Vinz about regional poetry. Vinz reads his poems “Heartland, ”Line Storm,” and “First Summer: A Reckoning.”