Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.
October 16, 1972 - Gladys Brooks, city council is quoted regarding the noise pollution ordinance. The Seward neighborhood petitions planning process.
October 16, 1972 - Jerry Fryer assistant to ATW Sec. Elliot Richardson discusses funding for schools. State and Federal funds may not be available in the future for schools, but those funds may not be available in the future. The buildings will eventually need to be replaced and they believe that they should be replaced while they have additional money.
October 16, 1972 - MANS or Metro Area Narcotics Squad funding, which had been funded by the federal government, is coming to an end. The area counties have agreed to continue narcotics squad funding.
October 16, 1972 - Twin Cities city council rallies to be elected officials rather than appointed. Committee recommended three seats be added in addition to making it elective. David Gravin, council member, speaks to the need to elect council members.
October 16, 1972 - MPR’s Rachel Kranz reports on the growth of wild rice production in Minnesota. Kranz talks with farmers about issues and sales of rice as a farm product.
October 17, 1972 - American newspaper columnist, Jack Anderson, speaks about what he sees as the differences between Russian and American policy makers. Russia, censorship, government, India, Pakistan, Nixon and foreign policy are addressed by Anderson.
October 17, 1972 - Minneapolis city council met to determine tax rates and the mill rate. John Bergford, city council representative, discusses council responsibilities and accountabilities.
October 17, 1972 - Proposed coal terminal on Pig's Eye Lake. Proponents speak to the excellent access to railways and the need for low-sulfur coal. The port authority says that sufficient gas is not available. The plan calls for development of open space land for recreational purposes and they claim that there'll be no environmental impact of the development. Opposition would like to preserve the area entirely for wildlife and is the last undeveloped area in the region. Further public hearings will be held.
October 17, 1972 - Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller promotes Nixon for president. Discusses amnesty framework. Committee to reelect the president invited Governor Rockefeller to speak in Minnesota.
October 18, 1972 - Grief reaction in contemporary society. The British Reverend, Simon Stephens, studies how Americans deal with dying and bereavement. In England, the village community system has been replaced by high-rise flats that have disintegrated community. Also, there is an increase of psychiatric care due to an inability to deal with trauma and loss. The is a hope that they?ll be able to learn from American way of coping.