Black Radio: Telling It Like It Was - Rappers and Rhymers (part 5) / Sounding Black (part 6)

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Two episodes of a Radio Smithsonian documentary series titled “Black Radio: Telling It Like It Was.” Program narrated by Lou Rawls. Part 5, titled "Rappers and Rhymers," focuses on black DJs. Various individuals discuss the personalities and styles of these radio voices. Part 6, titled "Sounding Black," focuses on white DJs who tried to sound black. Various individuals discuss the prevalent practice across the nation.

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Play the person killed may have been delivering the bomb to its intended location and that the device may have gone off accidentally French police launched a series of raids today unsuspected Muslim extremists that ended with 24 arrest and the seizure of a cache of arms 24 people arrested include French citizens and foreigners interior. Ministry said, the raids were a follow-up to investigations opened earlier this year. You're listening to NPR news. PRI Public Radio International black radio telling it like it was made possible by a major Grant from The Corporation for Public Broadcasting with additional support from the James Smithson society and the Public Radio International program fund whose contributors include the Ford foundation and the John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation from Radio Smithsonian destination Freedom 15 minutes You got to have some soul. I've got no point across. Black radio telling it like it was a history of radio and the African American culture. I'm Lou Rawls. Dino Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike. 3 2 1 black discharge has exploded on the airwaves in the 50s and 60s. Hey, it was the Heyday of Personality radio on the radio today jobs had are catchy names like chatiw Hattie. Show me the Playboy Jet by Little Joe and then there was a doctor's the Spin Doctors talk to help cat. Dr. Daddio. Dr. Feelgood there to do in Houston named doctor deepthroat. Those jobs had the Gift of Gab. They're wrapped in their mind and back then and styles of DJ's was entertaining as a music they played on the radio. I'm in here with a lot of good things got something for you. In the summer of 1960 DJ Jack Gibson had a little something for all the swing. It is in Cincinnati. I guess it was a morning man on WC I am and he woke up with his four-person Rhymes at those were the days. What do I want? This job is did more than just been deleted his buddy. Radiohead the beer style you had to have what we call a hook and my hook became when I change my name when the word came out that we were known as this jockeys. And since my name was Jack as a disc jockey Jack, let's take the disc golf and just call me Jackie Jack and that's how I got my trade name of Jack and Jack. On this happy Monday. Jackie Jackie Brown dress the part of a jacket with a silk jogging suit helmet and riding boots even cared a riding crop, you know on his arms. Got to look hip he recalls what happened one day in Lewisville when he went to a tailor to get measured for a silk jacket suit and this whole Italian fella was grumbling and he was Raising Cane and they kept saying Papa was wrong and he was just grumbling that you got understand Jacquees hundred pounds soaking wet in there 5ft. Even I'm like 5 10 and I weigh about a hundred and sixty 65 lb see when they brought me in to make some silk for this Jackie, you know, they weren't thinking that he equated me to being one of the jack is it was riding one of the horses so he said, oh my God. I said, no wonder the horse is a break and look at the size of the jackets now. I went out to the racetrack. God I could make a wish. Jack & Jack roll the airwaves at a time when you could hear only a few black voices on the radio in 1947. There were three thousand this Targets in the US and he was I was only 16 were African Americans but hey in the fifties is more opportunities opened up things changed Jack & Jack Gibson the calls out. He created a style that set him apart from the White Sox. They did straight announcing. They just said that now here is Kay Kyser the musical college of musical knowledge and we're going to play another two and that was it. But if that's Bobby said he is doing his dude walking his Walkin talkin his talk getting up this morning getting ready to do the thing for you sugar sugar. We were very involved in the records and we talked with the records we sang with the records. We ran trains through the records. We had folks laughing and use all kind of sound effects and everything. We could butted main entertainment because each disc jockey that was on the air that particular time had his own style. So if you listen to for this jock is a day you would hear four different styles that began what we call personality radio. Thank you very much and ain't nobody can talk like me and nobody saw like me. Yes. What who you listen to us? If you're going to burn treated lumber. Powerball numbers at the Pleasure Treasure cheating and spending here with you during this anymore spinning. Black DJs wrapped and Ryan doll over the radio dial and a mommy and daddy you listen here. One of the fastest talkin jocks on the planet was commander hot rod. He really lived up to his name. Good googa. Mooga. Why was he hot? All right big mommy on Big Daddy. We're bringing you the best in music Oye the best 10 songs that I should drive and helpful information dedicated to you. The greatest people in the world mindless is that we moving up Here There and Everywhere please display is not the flower but the sea sometimes called the air sometimes called that one more time and let him go. Legend has it that hot rod almost put his out what is lightning-fast tum. He was talking so fast. He almost slapped his brains out. But the truth be told hot rod real name is Maurice Hobart and it was by accident that he came up with his Swift talkin style. I should talk real fast. I had a little thing it scares me all through my radio years even in the Baltimore and the Philadelphia Eagles on radio in New York the same little thing and it's a tongue twister and I used to say I would you be able to look at them about the layaway. and and I accidentally said that based on the commercial I was doing was a clothing commercial and which I was telling people the real commercial that they can put a dollar down in layaway. And I something happened to me and I've got mixed up and I just said how to reboot a dollar if I got $2 and their layaway so fast and so that's really how I got the name hot rod and he quit at the Hard Rock automobiles some jobs Brothers leg of the streets of the airwaves all the chicks in Japanese and the radio audience. They really dug the hip lingo of DJ doctor Healthcare. Patrick's gun Hey, that's right. Debbie. The healthcare could really bad. Just go with this job better cheddar. He was real cool and dig this he came up with his writing style on a baseball diamond during the 1930s before getting on the radio that the Hellcat with the play-by-play announcer for the Negro League baseball game. I was doing the public-address announcement and knocking. Mouse party favors, you know, I can talk faster than Sonic bumper stump has come down and I gave him some of different names. You know, like we had to catch every every call him King Kong Jones, you know that comes King Kong join ready willing and able to qualify then we had a picture to call cool Papa Bell in oh Might have to get fresh as seen you somewhere. especially down The tapenade I put my mother frame my phone decide if I should cover drill before the early to Aaliyah speed on the head not to make everything all rude. So is that flight? Can I share my check not like mad. To help cat play Early rhythm and blues hits DJs who played Jazz also had a language all their own. We got a jazz from Dad's badge as on a Sunday. That's Johnny Guitar Watson in Chicago and man could this get Ryan to Daddy was a ballroom Port he was tending bar with him again, rhyming and fellow DJ Sid makkar remembers hanging out with Daddy and out of your would get up there and get a glass and he pulled it think and he would be raining all the time that he's doing all of this. He would Raptor glass in a napkin and at the end of a couplet he would set the glass down as there is it? It ran the scaffold and when he got 30 check the ice and throw it up in the air and catch a behind his back in the class. He was fantastic. Black radio tell me like it was from Public Radio International. We can describe African American DJs as being performers in Kansas and Florida. They connect with a community. They shut the jived with the community. In spite of the microphones DJs were committed to having a personal conversation with their audiences in which they did. So the oral tradition of Storytelling speaking in Rhythm and rhyme speaking in an improvised style as well as an animated delivery is a cultural expression that was familiar to the masses which is why so many people enjoyed personality radio in Philly one DJ took personality radio to new heights. The late fifties was the beginning of the Space Age every afternoon Jocko Henderson blasted off in his make-believe. Rocketship is a lined up side-by-side ready to take the most exciting ride the from the Earth to the Moon. Will be on the moon with a big bad blast. And WellCare in the stratosphere like the machine singing group The Blue will be swinging for you. The rocket ship Commander play the latest hits from outer space in real life jacket was a former car salesman named Doug Henderson put on radio. He changed his name to the one that had more poetic possibilities. I stopped using Doug Henderson and this pic the phone the name Jaco because Jocko rhyme with Daddio in the mummy on the hottest show on the radio and instead of having just the regular show. We have a rocket ship show and we began this, you know, rhyme up everything you eat Italy. Yeah, this is jock and I'm back on the scene with the record machine saying boot pack to do a how do you do all kinds of Ryan's? Hello? Hello. Hello good with the show the senior engineer cool guy on the scene with the record machine correct time now at 6:16 and the kids picked up on this where I would go they would say the rhyme. Jenna Dino Mike Mike Mike Mike, Mike. That's the way to describe it chip flight. on the hottest show on the radio still got one hour to go. Jocko actually took the idea for his rocket ship show from the fast-talking DJ hot rod Harbert who blasted off and Baltimore years before but Jacko got morphine in the 60s here to the hottest show at the Apollo Theater. He really had Harlem hopping and jackal made his a complete by dressing up in a space suit and landing in a rocket ship. Well almost you see his rocket ship was suspended over the stage by piano wires the guys in the Apollo build a rocket and when the show started they would turn it loose and it would live down with the head of the smoke in the lights in the lasers and everything. It would lied to the middle of the stage not get out saying Eataly octopuses the Jack and this killed the people they couldn't believe it. Oh fantastic then one day I got up in the rocket to take my blind down in the middle of the stage. And the Don thing turned over and threw me out on the state I said, oh my goodness. I said what's happening here? I said that sabotages people fellow they fell out cuz it turn right on over man. In 1959 when Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth Jocko's radio station WDAS. Send him a telegram and it read congratulations. I'm really glad you made it now. It's not so lonely up here, you know. Back in those days publicity stunts were part of a DJ's called for personality, but not many jobs cooktop with gospel DJ gave mouth more than one night in Birmingham, Alabama gatemouth. Are you ready for this rose from the dead so I got on the radio just fooling Sarah Easter Sunday morning. I'm going to rise. I'm going to rise like Jesus. But before I'm going to rise I'm going to have a week. They so over 2,000 tickets people Russian $5 a piece now with the $5 ticket you get to see me laying in the casket in the funeral home. And then I said Ben old showman. I said now if you see me breathe. I'm going to give $100 then invited you see me. One lady. She said that the whole six hours. Now the beautiful part about this production was in my pockets. I had cards dice. Beer bottle everything of sin. So when I get rolls at night when I roll that night at midnight out of the casket the Put the white rose movement. And Holly's put in a white real woman. I was throwing the cards in the casket throwing the dice in the casket. All the worldly thing is throwing them in the casket and I thought all of them really stuff in the casket the room of the right when I start preaching I've been born again start preaching and would you believe it 76 people accepted Christ and I started my church in Birmingham, Alabama. Not everyone told him to buy what they heard on the black radio stations are some people compare DJ's to clowns of the field that made up names with the meaning we needed and identification in and we didn't have those okeydoke names. Novela Smith was a disc jockey in Houston, Texas in the late 50s on the air. She was known as dizzy Lizzy Zing Zang and by the George Nelson, but the names The Stereotype names. I got very tired of and I would be willing to say that I started the the move or to remove the stereo tightness and to use our names. So what I think I bought two Nico radio. was and identification I said do something for yourself Novella identify yourself because you're not a dizzy Lizzy material. So after the news I said, this is novela dos Smith. We putting KY okay instant news always identified myself. So every 30 minutes it was no hella dos Smith for KY. Okay news. Most women on Radiohead stereo typical personalities sounded Homemakers shows. While others were sex objects who played characters like mermaids who's right here on the side of the chicken of the sea tuna, don't you but I'm not going to gossip. But any other brand just couldn't compare with chicken of the sea brand. Tuna me mermaid wouldn't be caught on the label. I mean in a girl's got to watch a reputation and after all chicken of the sea is the best and say how about taking a couple of cans home with you right now? In Memphis, DJ Martha Dean Steinberg really objected to the personality. She had to play Princess premium stuff out of there one day and on the air and my staff announces honeymoon Follette going on mini disc jockeys acted like royalty on the air one DJ in New Orleans even pretended to be the Pope the black pope. That is don't know. He ain't lie. You know the man ain't lying. He lied the greatest radio personality in the world is the black pope, you know that the black pope and they'll never be this truck is in those days with bad real bad and they didn't let you forget it. We are 7 that knowledge wonders of the world. You are about to be entertained by the 8th, but young man who has become so it's no Frankie Crocker show. Sock It To Me Mama In the late sixties, Frankie Crocker smooth-talkin jock with a bold style burst onto the airwaves in New York. He pushed the limits with his sexy raps anytime. You want me baby. I'll be all good. All the women really dumb Frankie Crocker. He helped add the expression sakitumi to the Aretha Franklin song Respect. Believe It or Not sock it to me was once considered a risky expression and when Franklin crock up again saying it oh man it was his mother who disapproved boy back my mother stopped speaking to me when she heard me say that And then when I became popular with it and the Christmas, I think I bought a mink coat or something unique thing. I took up there to it when I gave it to her. She says Sock It To Me Mama. That was it. By the 70s radio changed station on assault more control over DJs and their records. Did they played top 40 format took over the airwaves am was being upstaged by the Slickers sounding FM all this seem to spell the debit personality radio. 5.9 But with popularity of new musical style such as rap and hip-hop personality radio is undergoing a Resurgence a younger generation of DJs who rap and Ryan has feel the airwaves poet L&L 725 pasta al 68° outside. New York DJ Mister magic Pioneer AppRadio in the 80s in some ways. He was reminiscent of the earlier era in New York at Magic who came on late at night on Independence stations in what time was Bart at I very much like the way they started and did very much personality radio and the traditional style music. Yeah, I do the shout out which is now very popular all through radio to any rate of the deals is black coaching now used to shout out if something comes out of black hip-hop radio. All peoples in and comes out of the records themselves with someone so shout out to his boys or whatever. So there is more personality more overt personality radio and style much more similar to the older R&B Style on American radio now than it has been any time since maybe their 70s and the legacy of the earlier black DJs lives on in the music itself the roots of rapper in the rhyming styles that these pioneering jocks brought to the Airways years ago. Back in the forties and fifties you could hear DJs across the country spending hot new records by black artist, but sometimes you weren't sure what color the DJ was. Oh, yes. I got his cotton-picking thing to cut the red hot blue coming to whbq and hotel Jessica. Memphis DJ Dewey Phillips did so many voices if kept listeners guessing who he was in New Orleans. That was Jack the cat Elliott Atlanta had daddy Sears on the west coast Los Angeles listeners when hunting with hunter or show hosted by H H Hunter Hancock. Let's go. Today it may seem obvious that these voices are white 40 years ago when segregation kept whites and blacks apart. Listen to Simply assume that a disc jockey who played black music had to be black is DJ Hunter Hancock. Well not for a long time that most of us white but I made a lot of public appearances doing the record hops as I called him and the word got around it. You know, I was white Track one night and some of the kids were talking about some white fella and I said, oh hey, I'm right where the kid says all HHR different underway as we hear from some local boys who make good. Hunter didn't try to sound black but many other DJs purposely did sounds for job to make a quick Buck on blacklisting others use black slang expression to match the spirit of rhythm and blues every city had at least one white DJ who sounded black In the 1950s nearly half a country could hear Nashville DJ John rrspin rhythm and blues late in the night and John R. What? I'm Southern Dixie got a few things play unwind yourself Hank Ballard. John r&w blasted R&B from Maine to Texas on the station's golf Elite Knight signal if you lived east of the Mississippi chances, are you could pick it up most listeners didn't know if the DJs were black or white Bill Haas. Allen was another popular disc jockey on WLAC guys would call me on the air and we rarely answer the phones but now and then and then you say I just heard you talkin. Are you black or white and I always would say doesn't make any difference. I never really said what I was black it when I was white, but for many years. Most people white and black thought the John was black in the night with black because they figured number one. We both had rather deep voices in number to why would they be sitting up music if they work? I know you got to have some soul. All you wouldn't be listen to Lil Jon I cuz I got to meet some soul. I tell you something to really tell me where you got soul with this brand-new swinging swinging on a 32 inch gold link chain and the Siena you get it with soul brother or Soul Sister hand tool in Black letters. It's your choice honey, your soul brother our soul sister and it's only $3 only $3 to you black people brought a lot of those Swingin medallions from the actor who practice it sounding black horse Allen picked up Black Expressions while playing baseball with African-American kids in his hometown of Gallatin Tennessee. If something was good. We going to see a man that's tight like that. Tight like that. And so when I get a new record or something What attracted listeners the most was the music and the parties in the early 50s many stations refuse to play black music on the air but WLAC and it's Jox introduce listings too many Giants rhythm and blues James Brown Cold Sweat 25 Papa John meant so much the Afro-American people as much as the in a black. I know James Brown The Godfather of Soul. He listen to WLAC in Macon Georgia his first song, please, please please became a hit after being played on that station when you get some white person somewhere felt that black people shouldn't be in the dark. Can you tell me about happiness States? WLAC started playing black music in 1946 in the idea came from three black veterans of World War II who arrived at the station carrying a box full of Records? Why did you break my heart? Back then much of America was segregated have a good Americans weren't allowed in the building's where WLAC was located but the egg servicemen were determined to have their music played all salad. I'm sure they had been very probably in combat because they couldn't have gotten up to the 12th floor of the Bank building we were in unless they were pretty brave guys in those days, but they got up to Gino's somehow and said look, would you play some of my music and so when these guys brought these Boogie and blues records up Meade Lux Lewis and Albert Ammons and Pete Johnson people like that, maybe some Bessie Smith He said why not, you know, and so he put them on the head. When was Creole up, but Duke Ellington, and he played that thing for years and years after on every Wednesday night if he play Creole up call. But I know he put these records on play some and after 5 6 days. He started getting this mail from everywhere from DC to El Paso, Texas from New Orleans to Detroit. So he figured he must have tapped into a brand new market or black market that nobody knew anything about what WLAC had tapped into a multimillion-dollar audience that most other radio stations have neglected you see in those days few people recognize the buying power of African-Americans this job his own WLAC started a mail-order business. It was an illustrated Bible diet pills in the world famous halek. All y'all they were selling just about everything I would you like to have Fried Chicken on your table just about anytime you wanted to maybe you can if you just listen ojana, I got an offer for you that would put that Fried Chicken on your table and no time the right poultry Farms will send you a 110 of the finest baby chicks you ever saw. Low price of just $2.95 + $0.50 having charge plus he's a fine big Husky Red Top chicks and the guarantee you'll be in good condition on arrival for 3 months after you got them or they will replace any of your baby chicks that failed as a by of a half price. How about that ain't got to do it right now and think about that good evening. You will have on your table when your baby chicks become frying side lip smackin good they're mad musician Art. Neville is the keyboard player and singer with the Neville Brothers band or listen to WLAC while he was growing up in New Orleans. I wanted something to be able to take so bad. I mean really the only thing that stopped me flights to save money trying to think I'm going to save up enough money. Now, what was I going to do with 200 baby chickens out in the in the project? Is that the only one thinking no Popeyes a new kind of franchise. I thought maybe I could have started before you had I got those two hundred baby chicks. You never know. What could have been. Art's Fried Chicken just take it but I think I might have blue something man. Something stood One Source. Allen was invited to MC a gospel concert before black audience in, Georgia. Allen stood behind the curtains out of sight until the holes introduced him. He announced and now here's our guess MC from WLAC Nashville lost my bill Allen or something and I walked out and there was a collective like that. They had no idea this much like black face in a strange way. It was radio black face and many cases. I mean wide announcers. Talking black what is a very big staple of that era of black radio tragic in some ways but very fascinating because it's so tragic and so so full of the different currents of of love and hate of Black Culture to White America is bendena dealing with one of the most bizarre examples of blackface radio occurred in New Orleans in 1947. We want station wjim are hired an African American to teach its white announces how to sound black. It was racial ventriloquy the black talkin DJ was named Papa stopper. Fuel radio listen suspected pop. It was actually White. Advanced healing was one of the first White DJs who played Papa stopper other people didn't know because they hadn't heard anything like that before they couldn't tell what it was what they didn't even know whether I was white or black. They didn't notice things they could some people just have no idea voices. I just come on with p o p p a s t o p p a the Papas stop and show little baby. Daylight when you get drunk. Singing all night drinking. Bob wire 3018 Wrangler Papa's Tapas Creator was Brandon Winslow a well-educated newspaper columnist and professor of art at Dillard University. Dillard University on the oldest black schools in the country. Winslow himself. Wanted to be a DJ a position are open to African Americans in the 1940s. No station in New Orleans would hire him with Winslow managed to see the corner of one station wjmr. I wrote a letter to them that they should have a program of a you didn't say black musically with just a jazz or something of the sword just so that the black listeners might have some sort of relationship Etc. So that's when I went down there and walk through the front door and they asked me again to know who's other person who wrote that letter and I said, yes, yes. We talked and he asked me if I could make a special show with a special name and just something that would be a popular show for black people. For Negroes as you're safe is black. So I think I'll write one speech and everything else was house tonight at that way by mr. Winslow who was the director of the show he used to come in and direct the show, but mr. Winslow was not the announcer. It was a director. That's how it started.... It looked in the show was called Jam driving gumbo and Winslow came up with the DJ's name because Papa stop it was a street slang Winslow pick the music wrote the script for the white bobber Stoppers to read he filled in with black lingo you picked up at night clubs, like don't worry about nothing man. She's fine and wham bam thank you ma'am. This is Food food what he used to speak the language. I guess what you would call it a jive black language the colloquialism said black folks spoke back in the fifties and sixties. I mean, he had it down to a science and he did it so fluidly, so it was very difficult to tell that he was white as the queen of Blues in New Orleans to do an interview for one of the records that I had released. I think this was like 64 when I wish someone would care came up and I had to do a radio interview with him and when I got there, I'm looking for this black jacket here since little white man sitting talking with this big voice that sounded like and how is really taking that and he laughed as he saw the expression on my face that he knew what it was why I look like that was very nice about it. Black radio telling it like it was from Public Radio International. Thinking about my past. Papa stopper remained on the radio for several decades long after Brandon Winslow created him Winslow eventually achieved his dream of having his own show in 1949 who became the city's first black guy calling himself doctor Daddio until the 1980s. Your daddy was a popular figure on the New Orleans radio scene coming up next. There's a person here and this beautiful beautiful pass of History. His name is Fats Domino his word and his song and his smile is just bounced around the whole world. Answer me, and I'm in love again. Brake disc jockey playing some of the best music that we were in the 50s early 50s musicians. Dr. Daddio as a teenager in New Orleans. His first singing group The Gate Stones formed on dr. Daddio show or even wanted to be a DJ after hearing him on the air. He would have a problem call. The Breakfast program needs to be say good morning mother responses was making some bacon company and I just knew I mean when he came on I can smell of bacon, you know, cuz it sounds like he was actually frying bacon in the studio and I just knew that's what you would do it till one day. I finally got a chance to go that early enough in the morning finally had cellophane paper off of a pack of cigarettes that he would just crumble in front of the megaphone. Yeah, I got a bigger frame under that was what he was doing. And if you hear some of that do sound like they confine. I think something is wrong with that. But that's what he was doing radio you looking at it, but you can fuck the real and you can hear it. elavegan Starting the day off bacon and coffee beans. Cosimo Matassa is a New Orleans record producer what Vernon was able to do? Was present a culture to people who never noticed it before I want aware of it and the more I think of it in those terms and associated with some great music so that it always palatable in an enjoyable and fun. And and so, you know, if you want to give him a credit for being a pioneer of a guy who got results tell he did in the fifties esradio opened up hundreds of black jobs. Got to the coast to coast hairstyles influence younger listeners who tuned in Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a lot of wonderful recording stars with us to get rolling. I like blues singer. Tell me dr. Smalls broadcast from a club in Harlem. Call Small's Paradise, Dr. Jazz made a big impression on the white Brooklyn kid with the rather ordinary name of Robert Smith as a kid. I used to describe. My name is Doctor, John. You should broadcast from Small's Paradise. Robin Smith later. Became Wolfman. Jack is about 12 years old still on the radio. Come on about midnight. He's a real cool, dude. Play the Lata Soul Jazz and rhythm and blues. And I never got to see small of paradise, but I can imagine it in my mind. There was a I like a live band in the club and he did his five broadcast. Yeah, I like a little booth in the club muscle do the background when you open up the mic. You can hear the band playing in the background in. One night. I remember. Louis Prima just come out with a new album and she had a record called. I'm Just a Gigolo. And the sky play the same tune all night long life goes on jumping spider Wolfman, Jack to get on the air the wolf landed his first radio job at a station in Newport News, Virginia 1961. I met this guy but never texts Catherines. big black dude with a Harvard accent and he was the only disc jockey on the stations like a daytime radio station thousand 1 a.m. Station. At 10:50 or something. Anyway, I had created this character called daddy Jews. All right, baby today Juneau get down a little. Hey what you said? You going to talk like a black man is that you better learn how to do this lying in the language properly so that you don't sound like a white guy putting on black folks, you know, cuz I didn't want to sound like I really wanted to do what I was supposed to do to get out the emotional feeling then The R&B singer really meant in them. I mean, it's a wonderful thing. They is Afro-American people gave to the swimming without that music. We just imagine. BB living like those English folks. No stretch folks man would be a horrible existence. You don't I mean and because of those wonderful afro-americans whole world is now enjoying all that music. Is fall on the hue. Wolfman Jack became famous for his trademark how many years he added to the Mystique by keeping his identity a secret. It wasn't until Wolfman appeared in the 1970s film American Graffiti the fans for the face on that D. Be raspy voice long-distance late. Great, Buddy, Holly on the Wolfman Jack show. Nowadays, amen a whole younger generation of white DJs have been accepted spinnin records by black artists. Start a music writer Nelson George if nominum of white DJs on stations that extensively play black music appealing to a multiracial audience still goes on to this day in radio. It's little more complicated now than it was in the days of like running Winslow because the racial divide was so severe then and literally while they was interaction among blacks and whites certainly the mass availability and accessibility a black culture has never been wider than in maschera. And so you have white guys in women who legitimately grow up with this as they are cultural Touchstone is one of the things about integration of people are just do the starting to come to grips with a good we do have children who are products of the air and it will the doctor came and vision and this is what happened when you have social integration like you do. Black radio telling it like it was first produced by radio since Tony Jacquie Gales Webb producer Sonya Williams and Lex Gillespie associate producers. John Tyler production manager, John Paulson, and Matthew sakakeeny, post production engineer and Leslie Hannah executive producer research by Universal media and original music by David Silva soccer. I'm Lulu. You can write black radio radio Smithsonian MRC 645 Washington, DC 20560. Our internet address on the world wide web is for further study contact The Archives of African American music and culture in Indiana University, Bloomington black radio telling it like it was it's made possible by a major Grant from The Corporation for Public Broadcasting with additional support from the James Smithson society and the Public Radio International program fun who's contributor to the Ford foundation and the John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation special. Thanks to Sonic Solutions. PRI Public Radio International Day program today. Hope you enjoyed it will be rebroadcast. Today's programming is supported by contributions from Minnesota Public Radio listeners, Gary I can hear thanks for tuning in. Taking all the negative and turn it into something positive and that's what it was about back in the day. And that's what a lot of people have forgotten about the next all things considered the mission of Hip Hop Is All Things Considered everyday at 3 on the FM news station. You're listening to Minnesota Public Radio. Sunnysky 34° the windshield now is 14 at the FM news station, W FM 91.1 Minneapolis-Saint Paul are Twin City weather forecast partly cloudy through the afternoon high temperature near 40°. There is a good chance for rain in the Twin Cities by tomorrow. It's 1


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